Eglinton Streetscape Masterplan Design Survey

September 16, 2024

Alongside the Complete Street Projects, the City and BIA have committed to investing in the revitalization of our neighbourhood via a coherent streetscape masterplan, which will help create an exciting and vibrant destination for our businesses, visitors and local residents.

Back in June, residents were invited to participate in an online Streetscape Design Survey to help the Upper Village BIA and the city guide the design and start the process of developing a revitalized streetscape.

We received 138 responses to the online survey.  Here are some response highlights:

·     People like the walkability and convenient access to transit and services and the family-friendly, community feel of the neighbourhood.

·     People want to see improvements in traffic and safety, beauty and cleanliness and more ‘streetlife’(independent boutiques, festivals, patios).

·     Despite being a robust and desirable residential neighbourhood, people feel that our area does not have an identity and feel that we can make our neighbourhood more vibrant and exciting.

·     Improving traffic management and safety were top priorities for residents.

·     Respondents want a local/community vibe to the area with more greenery and safe and welcoming public spaces.

·     The community likes modern, vibrant and sleek styles with integrated green and natural elements versus more traditional designs or loud, playful and colorful designs.

To see a more comprehensive analysis of the results, please click HERE to access the survey report.

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